Saturday, August 12, 2006

Saturday Nights not Allright for Fightin'

The classic Elton John song was running through my head today. Not only because I'm a big Elton fan, but also because I don't know what to do about my kids bickering. Does everyone's children aggravate eachother to the point of madness. Do you sometimes want to send them on a long boat to China.(preferably with thier father at the helm so he can deal with "he's touching me" "stop" "Mooooooooommmmmm!")

I know it's normal for kids to argue and pick at eachother. But can't we all just get along for one solitary hour. No fighting over who lets the dogs in. No arguing over who unloaded the dishwasher last. No touching eachother just to see who gets mad first. No taking eachother's food(why do they do that?)

I did my fare share of irritating my brothers when I was growing up and I for one would like to formally apologize to my Mother. Mom, I'm sorry I picked on Brian till he cried(for you of course). I'm sorry I dropped the picture on Craig's head. I'm really sorry for every picky little thing I did when I was little to make you "so mad you can't even see straight". Thinking back now I realize, my kids are normal. My brothers and I used to do the exact same thing.

Guess I'll just have to wait them out. Gotta go...I hear and argument starting again.

"Do not tie your brother to the chair!"

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