Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm the Greatest Mom in the World (and you can be too!)

I have been crowned (trumpet please) The Greatest Mom in the World! I think the crown is in the mail. Sadly, there will be no parade for me. I have been given this wonderous title by my nine year old son. What, you might ask, do you have to do to be nominated for such a title? Apperently you only need to pick up a dead snake from the middle of the road and allow your child to keep it in his room. (For Science, MOM!insert eyeroll here)

The snake is double bagged in Ziploc, (clear so he can observe it) and has an expiration date of two weeks or upon point of stench.

Well, if you have a nine year old boy in your house you too can be nominated for (another trumpet if you will) The Greatest Mom in the World! Just find yourself something equally as gross as a dead snake and bring it home. You'll be in the running in no time at all.

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